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Bayside Through the Lens: Photography Competition Winners Unveiled

Mayor Saravinovski commends artists for capturing unique local landscapes.

The winners of the eagerly anticipated Bayside Photography Competition were announced at the Bayside Council Meeting on Wednesday, 22 November 2023. Mayor Bill Saravinovski presented the winners with their certificates, commending their ability to capture the unique charm of Bayside’s landscapes.

"I am amazed by the way these winning entries have captured the unique beauty of the place we live in," Mayor Saravinovski remarked, highlighting the extraordinary talent showcased in the competition. Launched in September, the contest invited residents to explore and photograph the distinct scenery of Bayside, including its open spaces, parks, beaches, and wetlands.

The competition, featuring a total prize pool of $3800, was divided into seven categories: Open, Environmental, Waterways, Transport, Active, Neighbourhood, and Junior. These categories were designed to inspire a diverse portrayal of Bayside's community and natural environments.

Budding environmental photographers also had the opportunity to refine their skills through workshops focused on capturing the essence of Bayside's flora and fauna.

The full list of finalist images will soon be displayed on the Bayside Council website, with an outdoor exhibition to be held in the coming weeks.

Open Category Winner: "Storm over Botany Bay" by Chantelle Polley

“Chantelle has captured a split-second moment of wonder as lighting dances across the Bay. This image presents a vista where the sky has opened, and the approaching storm is seen with both wonder and dread.  A perfectly planned snap of the impressive strength of mother nature.”

Environmental Category Winner: "Wild Mushrooms" by Jared Underwood

“By focusing on the details of wild mushrooms, Jared’s image brings texture and colour to the forefront, where scenes we usually walk past have been presented here up close and personal. A great image of the vibrancy our natural environment has, even near the forest floor.”

Waterways Category Winner: "Dolls Point Heron" by Sara Corlis

“Here Sara has depicted a feeding Heron on the much-loved Dolls Point Estuary. As the clouds rush past, the Heron patiently observes the water, waiting for a feed below.”

Transport Category Winner: "Speeding Through" by Dylan Veljanovski

“Dylan has uniquely depicted a space that we all know so well, the train station. The rush of a passing train against the static station bench are a great contrast and the image is a perfect visual metaphor for our busy day-to-day working week!”

Active Category Winner: "Hand in Hand" by Shampa Baroi

“Being active is important for all ages and Shampa has captured a personal moment of two seniors on their weekday walk. A white picket fence frames the direction they are moving, a quiet moment between two people immortalised in a snapshot.”

Neighbourhood Category Winner: "Solitude in the City" by John Titley

“Looking out to the Bay is a comforting experience for many in our community. The undulating waves are calming and allow the mind to wander and think. John has captured three women enjoying the views across the water, they are among a landscape that is both urban and natural, three poles sit out in the water, connecting the three figures with the water in front.”

Junior Category Winner: “Industrial Giraffes”
by Ivy Underwood

“The cranes that tower over the large shipping docks take on a different function in Ivy’s images. To the playful eye they are giraffes grazing in the field, wandering in the bush. A great composition that brings these mechanical creatures together.”


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