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  • New amenities, upgraded facilities proposed for Mascot Oval

New amenities, upgraded facilities proposed for Mascot Oval

A major upgrade is planned for inclusion in the 2023/2024 City Projects Program

Bayside Council has taken the first step toward an expected $4 million improvement project to Mascot Oval.

In the first City Works & Assets Committee meeting of 2023 on Wednesday night, council endorsed the inclusion of a major upgrade to Mascot Oval in the 2023/2024 City Projects Program. The existing facilities at the park require an upgrade to meet the growing needs of the Mascot Juniors club and the community of the area.

The proposed works would include the construction of a new clubhouse amenities building, including a larger canteen, accessible facilities, change rooms and toilets, as well as an upgrade to the existing grandstands. The club gym would be refurbished and extended to include additional amenities, and rainwater tanks would be installed. A walking track around the oval would also be implemented.

Councillor Jo Jansyn described the proposal as "very exciting” and "beneficial for the community”.

The preliminary high-level budget for the project is $4 million, which would be funded by a nearby development with a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA).

A VPA is an offer by a developer to the council as part of a development application, to dedicate land, make monetary contributions, or provide any other material public benefit to be used for or applied toward a public purpose.

The indicated budget is subject to change as the council refines the scope of works. Among other suggested additions to the scope, Councillor Jansyn suggested the allocation of additional space in the expanded facility to incorporate female change rooms.

Representatives from Mascot Juniors, the oldest Junior Rugby League club in New South Wales, has been involved in preliminary discussions regarding the proposed scope of works. Representatives from the club attended the City Works & Assets Committee meeting on Wednesday night.


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